Sunday, January 15, 2006


Over the past week, I have been in a weird mood. As I mentioned in my last post, someone close to my family died. That person was my aunt's mother, who was much like a second grandmother to me for most of my life. This last week has been a sobering one, and I have spent much time contemplating my own life, and living day by day as if in a trance.
I suppose I have been productive during the week. I am almost through reading The Great Code: The Bible and Literature. Actually I sat through church service on Saturday reading it. I have really started to wonder how many people fail to see the influence of the Bible on Western Literature. I agree with my professor that the Bible and its influences on Western culture/literature should be a course taught at University level. There seem to be far too few people who understand the great impact that this book has had in literature.
Yesterday evening we went skating with the young people from our church at Nathan Phillips Square. It was a cold night out there, but once on the ice, it was quite warm skating around. By the time I couldn't feel my fingers and toes, we headed over to Tim Horton's to warm up.
Today again, I was in a period of reflection. We went to the visitation for my aunt's mother. The family seems to be coping fairly well, as they have always been quite close-knit. I will be attending the funeral tomorrow morning. We also met one of my uncles that we haven't seen since October or so. We went over to his place for dinner and my hunny picked us up and drove us home.


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