Thursday, March 24, 2005

Updating on the Creation of Late

Another week of death by fire has inspired new life in me. Although life has been a bit difficult with my injured arm, I am confident now that things are on the upward climb. Perhaps this is one of those revelations derived from 3.5 hours of sleep last night, but I am generally feeling better than I was yesterday. I do believe it is because I feel my essay on the essence of John Cage's "Lecture on Nothing" and "Lecture on Something" is quite true to the beat movement. I suppose that my grade will be determined by what Bruce thinks about my premises.

Thanks to all who helped in the progression of thoughts that created this essay (primarily Dave and Jeremy). I would not have been able to achieve the final product without your inspiration and support. Again, the creative portion of the assignment is seen on this blog, one entry down.

Furthermore, after the performance in my Modern Drama class last week, the culmination of the dilligent work was rewarded. Our creativity and interpretation of Cloud Nine (Carol Churchill) was a process of many difficult weeks of early morning rehearsals. We received a B+ as a group, and I received an A for my personal achievement. I am quite thrilled at the result. It just proves that dilligence and personal "responsibility" paid off.

This weekend will be a creative melding of three activities for next week: a final paper for Modern Drama; an examination of an Apocryphal text (Barnabas, 1 Clement, Hebrews); and preparation for my Synoptic Gospel Test.


Blogger Davyth said...

Why not post your essay online?

12:13 AM  

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