Sunday, October 30, 2005

A Productive Day in the Land of Oz

These last few days have been a bit tedious for me, but I have nonetheless been productive. I edited a paper for someone and earned $20 for my efforts. I also finished reading the Bacchae, wrote my response on it, read All For Love, and did my blog posting. I am starting another small paper on "Light through/light on" tomorrow, so all of that puts me nearly a week ahead of schedule.

I am working through Troilus and Cressida, trying to figure out what I want to focus on for my presentation. Within the next few days I plan to reread Coriolanus and find reference points for my essay. Otherwise I have to finish my paper for Tragedy/Meta-Tragedy. Somehow, everything is under control and a few weeks ahead of schedule. :D Let's just see how long it lasts.

In other news, today I went to visit one of my friends and their new baby. After that we were sidetracked on our way home and did not make it back until 6.30pm. Tomorrow I have to work, so come out Toto, we're not in Kansas anymore!


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