Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Just one of those days...

Today I revelled in my day off work. Woke up around 11am, and spent the day doing nothing productive at all. Must say it felt fantastic!

Had a bit of a rough night last night, but it was a good day at work (translation: many good tips for the day). Looking forward to the rest of the week now. Hunny came over to drop off a few books (for the McLuhan essay).

Wednesday: Down into T.O. for a day out with mother. Going to the AGO and some shopping (yikes!).

Thursday: Brother leaves on a four day trip, I work all day, and then attend staff X-mas party.

Friday: Work again all day.

Saturday: Church, then heading to over to visit with my hunny's family for a few hours.

Sunday: A day at my aunt and uncle's place.

Busy busy me! At some point I still have to write that darned McLuhan essay.


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