Monday, April 24, 2006

Notes from the Weekend

Well, as most weekends go, this one was interesting as any other.

After much deliberation, went out to see a movie (Take the Lead) with mother and my sweetie.

Went to church, found out the new leadership roles in our "Young Ambassadors" Club. The results were not altogether unsurprising. Went into my hunny's workplace to pick up something for my dad's birthday. We all came home for dinner afterwards, and then later an impromptu trip to my uncle's place for the rest of the evening. Made it back home to see some people trying to steal a car. Called the cops, and all in all a pretty jolly night.

Spent most of the day sitting at home with a migraine (as a result of the weather). Went in to work in the evening for a night of madcap hijinks. Almost kicked someone out because of his ridiculous behaviour.

Today (Monday):
Woke up later than usual to see quite a commotion at the apartment building across from me. Apparently a man fell to his death from his 5th storey balcony. The cops were crawling all over the place for hours. Making breadsticks now.


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