Monday, May 01, 2006


Since about Friday I have been suffering with a head cold. My mother says I sound like: "those yip-yip aliens from Sesame Street." Other than congestion, today was not as productive as I wanted it to be. I woke up around 1pm this afternoon, feeling rather miserable, puttered around and later went to the mall with my mother. We purchased some fabric (as my mother is starting a trial version of my wedding dress), and I found a perfect pair of jeans, on sale for $12.99. They had some rather tacky stitched on decals, which I removed, and considering the original price was $64.99, I do not think I did all that bad. Tomorrow is work in the afternoon.
In other news, I will not be working this Saturday night, so I will be able to attend a year-end party. Also, Philip Marchand finally wrote his article about the McLuhan/Frye debate in yesterday's Toronto Star (the IDEAS section).


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