Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Rainy Rainy Rainy

Wouldn't you know it? Reading week begins with rain, and it doesn't seem to stop. I never really believed in pathetic fallacy in real life, but here it seems to be.

The weather is really matching my mood of late, which is dismal, to say the least. I'm struggling through this tail end of the school year, having already dropped one class and trying to figure out what I'm going to do for the coming year.

I have assignments due for all of my classes, within weeks of returning to school, and then again, final exams are looming in April. I don't know if I enjoy the end of a school year as much as I like being within it. The end of the year just heralds more sleepless nights and hopefully this time around I can stave off any sickness.


Blogger Davyth said...

If it's any consolation, I have to wait until April 26th to finish my last exam.

11:15 PM  
Blogger Vixen said...

my father's birthday?

12:20 AM  

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