A Short List of Rather Flabbergasting Comments
1. From my first year, one of my classmates: "So did Sophocles use Freud's Oedipal Complex to write Oedipus Rex?"
2. From Tom Stoppard's The Real Inspector Hound, "Does the name Birdboot mean anything in relation to a bird and a boot?"
And the answer is: what planet are you from? (Under) or Overanalysis at its finest.
3. "Are male poets only allowed to write using 'masculine' words, or can they use 'feminine' words as well?"
And the answer is: forget it, see answer to #2.
4. In my Shakespeare course last year, a student who had not shown up for the majority of the year: "So do we have to have read ALL the plays from the year?"
And the answer is: Why, of course not my dear, didn't you see that reading all plays was an OPTION this year?
5. And the coup de grace, in my boyfriend's THIRD year Shakespeare course: "The problem with movie adaptations of the character Caliban is that he is portrayed by a white man." My boyfriend then went on to state that this was merely a MODERN interpretation. This nameless student's rebuttal was: "Caliban must be NON-WHITE, and if you do not agree with me, you are RACIST."
Puzzle over these for a while. This is why I feel sorry for people like Zelda and Dr J. Don't worry, not all of us undergrads are this hopeless.
hilarious! here are some comments that students have said to me DURING an exam.
1. "Can I take this exam and sit outside with it (because I feel ill and want to sit close to the bathroom OR because it's too loud in here OR because my back hurts in these chairs)".
2. "Can I step outside to make a quick phone call? I need to arrange a ride."
3. From some guy who wasn't even registered in the class, "I'm sitting in here waiting for my friend to finish writing. I can sit anywhere I want - it's a free country".
#2 is my favourite.
Thanks for the additions Zelda, they're great!
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