Tuesday, August 30, 2005

As If It Couldn't Get Any Worse...

Today was the second court date, so Dave and I appeared around 9am for the court session. After waiting nearly 4 hours; being threatened; and touched by my stalker, things are more or less the same as before. My stalker again did not have a lawyer (although he was informed 2 weeks ago that he needed one).
So next week my parents are coming with me to court. Apparently they are upset at me for not letting them come along. However, most of the time they are not supportive at all. They go from blaming me to supposedly being "supportive". At any rate, I made an official complaint to the police and again I had an officer come to my place to take another statement. He confirmed the information with Dave and went out to talk to my stalker tonight.
In other news, we took a trip to York to get some stuff done for school. Go figure that the year I will be done, things are finally getting streamlined! You can now get your GO BUS discount card mailed to you, and all OSAP papers can be processed in one place.
Amazing! That just means that something else will go wrong soon.


Blogger Polar Bear said...

OSAP - now that's a word I haven't heard in a looong time.

I understand why you didn't want your parents with you at court. I feel the same way towards my mom. Most of the time she's not supportive at all. She's always blamed me for everything.

Good luck next week. Tough that you have to return to court so many times.


5:17 PM  
Blogger Vixen said...

Yes, it is tough, and we're still in pre-trial state. On top of that, my parents are insisting that they'll both be "there for me" next Tuesday.

7:56 PM  

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