Sunday, July 30, 2006

Me again

Well, to my readers of this blog, I apologize for being away for so long. Since my aunt has come up to visit, I rarely have time to post. So, I suppose I should start with some updates. In terms of the job situation, I have a new job now, working at a bar. The crowd is fairly interesting, but over all, not that bad. I have only been working there for a week, but it seems as though the owner likes me quite a bit.
Life is well otherwise, getting ready to fly to T&T for the 10th of August. However, before that, there is Caribana to attend next weekend. I am really looking forward to that, and that night at the bar I work at, we are having a "Carnival Night". That looks like it will be a lot of fun!
In terms of future plans, my hunny and I are setting all the official stuff for next year when we fly down in the next few weeks. So that means there will be a lot of planning and organizing for me to do in the next few months. Seems as though there should not be too much trouble with all of my family and my hunny's family ready and willing to help pull off this wedding.
In terms of the future, I am trying to decide what to do with myself. I want to continue my schooling, but probably not until next fall. Right now I am considering three options: going into law school; starting the Masters program; or even teacher's college. I guess only I can figure out the real answer, but I am quite willing to take suggestions. If I do decide to pursue any of these options, it may not be at Pork Spew.
Anyhow, I hope everyone is doing well, leave a comment if you get a chance.

Saturday, July 15, 2006

My grandfather's grandmother Posted by Picasa