Sunday, October 30, 2005

A Productive Day in the Land of Oz

These last few days have been a bit tedious for me, but I have nonetheless been productive. I edited a paper for someone and earned $20 for my efforts. I also finished reading the Bacchae, wrote my response on it, read All For Love, and did my blog posting. I am starting another small paper on "Light through/light on" tomorrow, so all of that puts me nearly a week ahead of schedule.

I am working through Troilus and Cressida, trying to figure out what I want to focus on for my presentation. Within the next few days I plan to reread Coriolanus and find reference points for my essay. Otherwise I have to finish my paper for Tragedy/Meta-Tragedy. Somehow, everything is under control and a few weeks ahead of schedule. :D Let's just see how long it lasts.

In other news, today I went to visit one of my friends and their new baby. After that we were sidetracked on our way home and did not make it back until 6.30pm. Tomorrow I have to work, so come out Toto, we're not in Kansas anymore!

Thursday, October 27, 2005

T.S. Eliot was wrong: November is the cruelest month!

[November] is the cruelest month. This upcoming month is the month of hell for all of us undergraduates. As it stands, I have two essays due; one presentation; and one in-class test. To this point, how much preparation have I done? Answer: None
I am not that worried yet because this year I do not have any midterms to worry about. So, I am heading to class in a little bit to learn about Philoctetes. Ciao!

Sunday, October 23, 2005

Another Weekend!

Well, this weekend is drawing to a close, and there is only one greaat thing to note. Yesterday me and my hunny went shopping, bought some DVDs, and also picked out my wedding band! It is very pretty, and I love my hunny very much.

After yesterday, today was rather humdrum, as I had to work. There was absolutely no one in the restaurant/bar during the day, so I spent the morning/afternoon cleaning. After all that, I have very sore hands, and very little money in my pocket. The one positive point: I got to finish my reading for one of my classes. Oh well, I guess the crappy weather was to blame today. Perhaps tomorrow will be a better day. Anyhow, off to do some more reading for classes.

Thursday, October 20, 2005

One of those tests...

Your Power Color Is Magenta

At Your Highest:

You energize yourself and push others to suceed.

At Your Lowest:

You feel frustrated and totally overwhelmed.

In Love:

You are suprised by who you attract. You're a love magnet.

How You're Attractive:

Open and free spirited, people want to explore the world with you.

Your Eternal Question:

"What is my next source of inspiration?"

End of another long week...

As usual, very busy life for me...
School is getting hectic these days, first major papers all coming up now. I got an 'A' on my paper about "user is content". I have also spent far too many hours at school this week, and I am going to bed early tonight.
Oh yes, our recruiting event went well enough today. I only wish that some people would take more responsibility when it comes to getting things done.
One more thing, the weather must be getting colder because my injury from the winter is acting up again. I hate this weather!

Sunday, October 16, 2005

I'm a working girl now!

Well, I finally got my first bartending job, and I am quite thrilled with how things are turning out. The location is actually quite close to school. (To those of you interested, email me, and I will give you the exact address).

Anyhow, in my first week I have cleared about $125 in tips. That is not too bad for now, I suppose. So now I am heading off to bed, knowing that I do not have to work for nearly a week! Hope to see some of you readers (especially the genius) at the pub this Tuesday.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Birthday 2005 Posted by Picasa

Monday, October 10, 2005

In this time of turmoil..

To all my friends on this side of the border, Happy Thanksgiving. In this time of many world disasters, we should remember how fortunate and blessed we are to live in a country like Canada. Of course I do not forget all the Americans reading my posts on this site, Happy Columbus Day!

Saturday, October 08, 2005

Back to Life, Back to Reality

Now that I have been back in the country for almost two weeks, there is much to report.

When I first came back to Canada I was quite sick and generally quite melancholy. This year has been full of many difficult situations. Thank you for all of your concern and support during this difficult time.

Also, I have been elected as General Secretary of the Trinidad and Tobago Student Federation. We are having our recruitment day on Thursday October 20, 2005. Check out the website for more information.

Secondly, I am actually up to speed with school work. Although I missed two weeks in the early part of the school year, I do not seem to be that behind. That is good news for me.

Last week Monday, we spent a tortuous six hours in court, just to be told to come back this coming week. Apparently the police now have a case against my stalker as well. It looks as though this all might end up going to trial.

Yesterday I found out that I got my first bartending job. Turns out the girl who hired me trained at the school as I did. I go for my first training session on Wednesday evening. I suppose it will be too bad for Chapters, I am calling them tomorrow to tell them that I cannot take the job.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! And to my sick hunny, get better soon!