Monday, September 12, 2005

Due to the Circumstances...

Unfortunately around 6.30am this morning, we were given the sad news that my grandfather passed away. In lieu of this sad event, my family and I will be out of the country for the next two weeks.
Anyone who had plans with me over the next week, these plans will be rescheduled upon my return to the country. Thank you

Saturday, September 10, 2005

Always seem to be falling behind...

Yet again, I have failed to post for several days, so I should update on everything.

Went to the doctor in the morning, all my tests checked out fine (thank God!), and scheduled another visit in six months' time. I also got medication for my chest pain and congestion. Started into school a bit early, intending to get my medication, which would not be ready until later in the day. Dropped off application to work in school library. Went to my Advanced Shakespeare and Tragedy/Meta-Tragedy classes with my hunny (which look as though they will be quite enlightening, due to the exceptional professors). Just before class ended I received a call from Chapters, I got the job! I had to go in for some preliminary orientation on Friday.

Spent the morning cooking for a bible study on Saturday night and going to the mall with my mother to do some shopping. Headed off to Chapters to go through my orientation. The best part was my 30% discount card! Received congratulatory wishes from my uncle in Hungary. In the evening, I travelled into the downtown area for a wine tasting and information session.

Went to church in the afternoon, and to a bible study in Acton later in the day. My hunny drove me there, and it really was worth the drive. The location was beautiful, a small pavillion beside Fairy Lake. Apparently my food was devoured quite rapidly, which I take as a good sign! Met some old friends and informed people about our engagement (at least those people we had not seen in a while). We had an enlightening session with the topic of forgiveness. Arrived home a short while ago and settling down to some scanning and reading for next week.

Plans for Sunday: More orientation at Chapters tomorrow afternoon.

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

News of the Day

This morning I was up bright and early to go to an interview at Chapters. Altogether it did not go too badly, and we got out about 15 minutes early. The most inane question: "If you could be anyone in history, who would you be?" Anyhow, I hope to get a call back before the end of the week.

In other news, I was only late by about a half hour for class. Of course the McLuhan/Frye course has to be held in one of the SMALLEST rooms in Stong College. Not surprising at all. Furthermore, there were break-ins, twice as I understand to many of the offices in the building. See what happens to the 'literate' ones at York, first we have a cruddy old building, and secondly, no proper security. I know the pen is mightier than the sword, but I hoped at York the administration would not take that phrase so literally.

Otherwise, the first assignment has been given out: "The Medium is the Message" Basically explain the statement in 500 words/2 pages. Who is Prof. Powe kidding? It will be a thought-provoking assignment at any rate.

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Postponed Again

Today's court date was much like all of the ones before it. However there was some difference. Both my parents and his decided to appear in court. In his case, his parents were there to bail him out of jail. He had been held since Saturday night and was just released early this afternoon.
After sitting for nearly four hours, I went before the judge a total of three times. Each instance lasted less than a minute. What a surprise, again he had no legal representation. We have another two weeks to wait while he obtains a lawyer for himself.

After our useless morning in court, I spent the majority of the afternoon with my hunny, completing some back-to-school preparations. Tomorrow morning I am going for a job interview where my hunny works, and in the afternoon I hope to drop off an application to work at the school's library.

Monday, September 05, 2005

Looking for some Cash

After receiving an email notification of a new scholarship opportunity, I found an interesting article quite pertinent to my own situation. Moreover I think any woman should read this article and take it seriously. Here is the link.

Sunday, September 04, 2005


As I have been keeping updates on my stalker situation, here is the latest information. After my report at the police station on Friday night, the police asked him to come in to the station.
On Saturday night, I received a call from the police to tell me that he had been arrested on the charge of criminal harrasment. There was a bail hearing this morning, and I have not heard anything else so far. If this guy is seen around trying to contact me or my family again, he will be arrested again.
So now, we are waiting for the court date on Tuesday morning.

Never thought I would be a Kat!

Katharine Hepburn
You scored 21% grit, 28% wit, 38% flair, and 23% class!
You are the fabulously quirky and independent woman of character. You go your own way, follow your own drummer, take your own lead. You stand head and shoulders next to your partner, but you are perfectly willing and able to stand alone. Others might be more classically beautiful or conventionally woman-like, but you possess a more fundamental common sense and off-kilter charm, making interesting men fall at your feet. You can pick them up or leave them there as you see fit. You share the screen with the likes of Spencer Tracy and Cary Grant, thinking men who like strong women.

Find out what kind of classic leading man you'd make by taking the Classic Leading Man Test.

My test tracked 4 variables How you compared to other people your age and gender:

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Link: The Classic Dames Test written by gidgetgoes on Ok Cupid

Saturday, September 03, 2005

K.G. B. Anyone?

I had to go to the police station to make an official report (video-recorded), which was supposed to take 15-20 minutes. However, it took over an hour due to the fact that I had to recount almost 2.5 months of information.
I just want this nightmare to end...

Friday, September 02, 2005


I suppose I am happy that it is the long weekend, although I have no plans at this point.
However, I am happy and relieved that I finally got my G2 license. My two mistakes: driving 3km under the speed limit; and making a mistake parallel parking. I never thought I would pass, because I had a female examiner. I guess that female examiners actually pass female drivers.
Anyhow, I have been up since 6.45am, so I am heading for a nap before I have to go out again tonight.

Thursday, September 01, 2005

Somehow I'm Behind in Everything...

Here I am again, two days behind in posting, and months behind in reading and paying bills. Anyhow, for the last two days, I have been helping some friends at their organic bakery (Organic Oven), packing hundreds of cookies and helping with deliveries.
Today was a particularly long day of deliveries, 7 in total. Between our furthest east (Danforth) and furthest west (Clarkson) destinations, all the deliveries took us nearly 6 hours to complete.
Of course I had my mother call me to find me, and at the same time my friend received a call from my brother. Apparently both my mother and brother were looking for me at the same time. Go figure, huh? Anyhow, that is about all, except for talking to a long-time ex-boyfriend earlier today. Funny how people come out of the woodwork, isn't it?